Explain the reaction of chlorine with hydrogen.


Explain the reaction of chlorine with hydrogen.



(i). Conditions:
- Heating or presence of light; since chlorine and hydrogen do not react with each other at room temperature.

(ii). Precaution:
- The experiment is performed in a fume chamber (cupboard); since the reaction is explosive;

(iii). Procedure:
- Chlorine gas is mixed with hydrogen gas and the mixture heated or exposed to direct light; then aqueous ammonia brought near the mouth of the jar.

(iv). Observations:
- White fumes at the mouth of the jar.

(v). Explanations:
- Chlorine reacts explosively with hydrogen to form hydrogen chloride gas.


- The hydrogen chloride gas diffuses upwards and reacts with ammonia at the mouth of the test tube to form white fumes of ammonium chloride; NH4Cl.
Kavungya answered the question on April 29, 2019 at 09:04

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