Describe the action of sulphuric (VI) acid on oxalic acid.


Describe the action of sulphuric (VI) acid on oxalic acid.



Conc. H2SO dehydrates oxalic acid on heating to a mixture of carbon (II) oxide and carbon (IV) oxide.


- Conc. H2SO4 acid gives severe skin burns because it removes water and elements of water from skin tissue.
- Should the acid spill on skin, it is washed immediately with plenty of water followed with a solution of sodium hydrogen carbonate.
- Holes appear where the acid spills on clothes for same reason.
Kavungya answered the question on April 29, 2019 at 12:47

Next: Describe the action of sulphuric (VI) acid on white sugar.
Previous: Describe the action of concentrated sulphuric (VI) acid on methanoic acid.

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