Give the causes of unhappiness in the old testament


Give the causes of unhappiness in the old testament



1.Disobedience of God's commandment eg ,when King saul offered a sacrifice Instead of waiting for prophet Samuel.
2.Greedy for material things eg,king Ahab was jealous of Naboth's vineyard which led to assassination of Naboth so that King Ahab can acquire the land.
3.Impatience. This is the instance where the people lacked patient and wait for fulfilment of what has been promised eg,delay of Moses in Mt sinai made people impatient thus leading to idolatry which wrote to Moses and people.
4. Lack of essential things like water and food. The Israelites in this case complained to Moses claiming that Egypt was more better than the promised land Canaan which brote unhappiness due to the challenges their faced.
5.Worship of other gods which annoyed God making them to suffer.This brought unhappiness to Israelites because God allowed their enemies to take them captive and work under slavery.
Peaceman answered the question on May 10, 2019 at 14:45

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