What was the significance of the Lord's Supper to Christians?


Highlight the significance of the Lord's Supper to Christians.



(i) It is a gift from the Lord to the Church.

(ii) It is the meal of the new covenant which Christ gave to His followers.

(iii) It is a sacrifice of praise and thanksgiving.

(iv) Christians proclaim God's mighty acts and promises.

(v) They remember the body of Christ which was crucified.

(vi) They take wine as a symbol of Christ's blood of the New Covenant.

(vii) It is a sign of unity of the believer.

(viii) It affirms the faith of the Church in Christ.

(ix) It enhances communication between Christ and His followers.

(x) It gives hope to the Christian for Christ's second coming.

(xi) It is a holy mass which is central to worship.

(xii) It is celebrated in remembrance of Jesus' death and resurrection.

(xiii) It is a sacramental meal which communicates God's love through Jesus.

(xiv) It is celebrated in obedience to Jesus' command.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 28, 2017 at 13:56

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