Why did Jesus use parables in His teachings?


Explain why Jesus used parables in His teachings.



(i) To stimulate people to think and get the meaning themselves.

(ii) To simplify complicated messages of the Kingdom.

(iii) To keep His messiahship a secret until the opportune time.

(iv) Jesus was a gifted teacher.

(v) To fulfill the Old Testament prophecies that the Messiah would teach in parables.

(vi) To drive the message home.

(vii) To avoid direct confrontation with His opponents.

(viii) To separate the true disciples from the less serious ones.

(ix) To establish His faithful group of disciples.

(x) It was a common method used by religious leaders of the time.

(xi) To motivate His listeners by illustrating spiritual truths with real life experiences.


Describe the reasons why Jesus taught in parables

i) To distinguish the serious seekers of the kingdom from those who were just eager to
listen to the story
ii) To explain unknown issues in a language people could easily understand
iii) To make people think critically about issues concerning the Kingdom
iv) They were used by Jesus to teach about God’s Kingdom
v) To teach about God’s mercy to sinners i.e. parable of the debtors/ parable of lost coin
vi) To conceal his true identity as the Messiah
vii) To teach about the requirement of God’s Kingdom
viii) Parables were avenues of passing important teachings to the people, how to relate to one another, how to use wealth and even how to pray
ix) It was a method of teaching which was common those days
x) To teach his disciples that they should be persistent and never be discouraged (Lk18:1-8)
xi) He wanted to make an indirect attack on his opponents like the Pharisees, the scribes and the Sadducees
maurice.mutuku answered the question on July 28, 2017 at 14:17

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