-These stitches are also referred to as joining stitches.
- They are used to join together two or more layers of fabric and different parts of a fabric permanently.
-They are worked with matching thread depending on the type of fabric being used. For example, cotton thread is suitable for
cotton fabric but, it is not suitable for silk and woolen materials. There are many permanent stitches. Examples are
running stitch,
over-sewing and
overcastting stitch.
There are three types of permanent stitches:
i) Joining stitches
ii) Neatening stitches
iii). Decorative stitches
1.)JOINING STITCHES-Running stitch, Back Stitch, Machine stitches, Over sewing stitches.
i).Running Stitch
materials used for under clothing. It is good on pitch knickers, under slip, and pillow slip. This stitch is also used for gathering materials.
When working running stitches, they should be fastened on with back stitch fastened off securely with another back stitch. Running stitches should be small and equal spaces between the stitches should be regular
and equal.
Running stitch is worked from right to left on two layers of fabric. One
stitch is worked at a time
1) Fasten on thread at the beginning with two or three back stitches
on the stitching line.
2) Work the stitch one by one to the end of the stitching line
3) Stitches produced should be equal in length.
4) There should be no space between the stitches
5) Fasten off thread securely at the end of stitching line with 2 or 3
back stitches.
Running Stitches
These permanent stitches are used chiefly to sew two pieces of material together. Begin and end with double stitches. Stitches and spaces should be small, regular and equal.
Running stitch is permanent stitch worked by hand. It is suitable on soft cloth.

ii).Back Stitch
This is another form of permanent stitch. It is stronger than running stitch. It looks like machine stitch on the right side of fabric. It is one of the strongest of hand stitches useful when sewing machine is not available. Back stitch can be used to join together baby’s dresses permanently, on parts of a garment that require added strength and on
materials that require frequent washing. It is a stitch that is very useful for fastening on and off securely in hand sewing.
It is worked from right to left
1) Fasten on at the beginning with 2 or 3 back stitches on the
stitching line
2) Work the stitches long the stitching line
3) Fasten off securely with back stitches at the end of the stitching

Over sewing is a permanent stitch. The stitch is also known as topes wing and used to join two folded edges or selvedges together. It is worked from right to left. The side of the material being over sewed is
usually held away fro the worker. Matching thread should be used for
over sewing. It is also used for attaching lace.
1) Begin with 2 or 3 back stitches on the stitching line
2) Tack the two turned-in edges t the same level.
3) Fasten off securely with back stitches at the end of the stitching
4.Over Sewing
Over sewing is a permanent stitch. The stitch is also known as topse wing and used to join two folded edges or selvedges together. It is worked from right to left. The side of the material being over sewed is usually held away from the worker. Matching thread should be used for over sewing. It is also used for attaching lace.
1) Begin with 2 or 3 back stitches on the stitching line
2) Tack the two turned-in edges at the same level.
3) Hold the edges between the thumb and the forefinger of the left
4) Pass the threaded needle through the edges of both folds with
needle point coming straight towards you.
5) Repeat this several times until the edge is finished.

marto answered the question on
May 2, 2019 at 07:32