* Cost and Benefits Widely distributed costs - spread over many; income tax, social security tax
- Narrowly concentrated costs- over small numbers (regulations on doctors, etc.) - widely distributed benefits- spread over many (national security) - Narrowly concentrated benefits- over small numbers (subsidies to farmers etc.)
* KINDS OF POLITICS ... - Majoritarian politics- political activity with distributed benefits, everyone benefits and distributed costs, everyone pays; (Social Security, taxes for military, etc)
* Free-rider problem- no incentive to join a group when you will benefit anyway (reduce drugs, etc)
* Interest-group politics- political activity with concentrated benefits, one small group benefits and concentrated costs, one small group pays
* Client politics- political activity with concentrated benefits/one small group benefits and, almost everybody pays/widely distributed costs
* Logrolling/ Reciprocity- process in which a majority coalition is formed by a legislator supporting a proposal favored by another in return for support of his/hers trading votes attracts other members of Congress
* Pork barrel legislation- gives tangible benefits to constituents in several districts or states in the hope of winning their votes in return
* Entrepreneurial politics- political activity with distributed benefits to large numbers or society as a whole and concentrated costs imposed on a small identifiable group pays
* Policy entrepreneurs- the people who work on behalf of unorganized majorities
Kavungya answered the question on May 2, 2019 at 11:55
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Describe the policy making process in economics.
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State the economic objectives that the government wants to achieve.
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List the factors that Influence the Government’s ability to achieve Economic Objectives.
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