Highlight any six reasons for the coming of Christian missionaries to East African Coast.


The Christian revolution in Europe and Britain in the late nineteenth century referred to as evangelical revival provided inspiration for missionaries to go out to other parts of the world. Highlight any six reasons for the coming of Christian missionaries to east African coast.



a) Missionaries came to spread Christianity as Africans were not believed to have a religion.
b) Missionaries came to spread western civilization. This was done through the introduction of western education. It made Africans literate to read the bible
c) Missionaries came to abolish slave slavery and slave trade. Slave and slavery were considered satanic as they are against the biblical doctrine of equality and brotherhood
d) Africa was considered to have resources which Europeans could exploit to their betterment. This was made clear by David Livingstone whose aim was to open the path through Christianity and commerce
e) Missionaries wanted to counter the spread of Islam which was very prominent in the continent
f) Besides Christianity, missionaries were interested in geographical knowledge of Africa since Africa was considered a dark continent since they knew very little about it

Dana05 answered the question on May 2, 2019 at 13:27

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