Identify any six factors that facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya


Missionary work in Kenya began in 1844 when a German missionary known as Ludwig Krapf arrived in Zanzibar. His success encouraged the coming other missionaries form other Christian societies. Identify any six factors that facilitated the spread of Christianity in Kenya



a) The early missionaries enjoyed the support of Seyyid Said. When Krapf arrived at Zanzibar, he was given an introductory letter to coastal rulers to assist him
b) Some of the African communities were friendly to the missionaries
c) Missionaries at first used Swahili in their work. The language was widely used at the coast and was also used by the traders who went into the interior
d) African converts were used to spread the gospel
e) The discovery of quinine enabled missionaries to fight diseases such as malaria
f) The building of the Kenya- Uganda railway facilitated movement

Dana05 answered the question on May 2, 2019 at 13:29

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