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Outline the roles of horticultural farming to the economies of Kenya and Netherlands.


Outline the roles of horticultural farming to the economies of Kenya and Netherlands.



a) A source of foreign exchange.
b) Saves some foreign exchange.
c) Has led to industrial development by providing raw materials e.g. fruit canning, vegetable oil manufacturing, etc.
d) Provides employment to many due to being labour intensive.
e) It has led to development of infrastructure in the areas with large scale horticultural farms which have been served with better roads, water and electricity.
f) Earns farmers income when they sell their produce to buyers and middlemen.
g) Promotes better health and nutrition.
h) Has led to effective land use e.g. swampy areas in C. Province have been reclaimed for vegetable production.
Kavungya answered the question on May 3, 2019 at 10:51

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