a) The two theories advanced to explain the origin of agriculture are:
i. The independent theory that suggests that agriculture developed independently around the world as the local conditions dictated
ii. The diffusion theory that suggest that agriculture started in the Middle East from where it spread to all other parts of the world
b) During the new stone age, man domesticated plants and animals for the following reasons:
i. Climatic conditions caused animals to move further from their previous location. This made hunting difficult
ii. The population of man increased and hence more animals were required to feed the number
iii. Man and predatory animals relied on the same prey which led to a decline in the number of animals man relied on for food
iv. Overhunting depleted the number of animals that man could rely on for food
v. Natural disasters such as floods and forest fires killed animals and made the survivors migrate further from man thus depriving man of food
vi. Hunting and gathering was an insecure source of food as man could sometimes return home empty handed
vii. Hunting and gathering was strenuous due to the constant movement following animals during their migration
c) The benefits of animals to man are:
i. Animals provide food in the form of milk and meat.
ii. Animal skins were used for clothing and bedding
iii. Animal horns were used as containers and communication instruments
iv. Animal bones were used to make needles, ornaments and weapons
v. Animals were used as a measure of wealth
vi. Some animals were used for transport while other like oxen and donkeys were used for ploughing. Dogs were used for security, to hunt and herd cattle and sheep
Dana05 answered the question on May 5, 2019 at 13:01
- (a) Discuss genetics as a source of information of history and government (b) Highlight the limitations of genetics as a source of ...(Solved)
Apart from written sources, non-written sources and electronic sources of information on history and government, another source of information on history and government is genetics.
a) Discuss genetics as a source of information of history and government
b) Highlight the limitations of genetics as a source of information on history and government
c) Briefly explain the advantages of using genetics as a source of information on history and government
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the limitations of using the following non-written sources of information on history and government
a) Oral tradition
b) Archaeology
c) Anthropology
Highlight the limitations of using the following non-written sources of information on history and government
a) Oral tradition
b) Archaeology
c) Anthropology
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- (a) State and explain the three arms of the Kenyan government (b) Discuss any four forms of government in various parts of the world(Solved)
The word government comes from the word govern and means to control through regulations and set of rules.
a) State and explain the three arms of the Kenyan government
b) Discuss any four forms of government in various parts of the world
c) What is the importance of studying government to learners in Kenyan schools? Give any six reasons why government is taught in Kenyan schools
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- a)Define the term history as a discipline
b)History as a discipline has three main branches. State and briefly describe them
c)Highlight the importance of studying...(Solved)
a)Define the term history as a discipline
b)History as a discipline has three main branches. State and briefly describe them
c)Highlight the importance of studying history to the students in Kenyan secondary schools
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- (a) Differentiate between archaeology and anthropology (b) Highlight the methods used by archaeologists to locate....(Solved)
Both anthropology and archaeology are both non-written sources of information on history and government.
a) Differentiate between archaeology and anthropology
b) Highlight the methods used by archaeologists to locate archaeological sites
c) Describe the advantages of studying anthropology as a source of information and history and government
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Discuss anthropology as a source of information on history and government and what it entails(Solved)
Anthropology is one of the methods used by historians as a source of information on history and government.
a) Discuss anthropology as a source of information on history and government and what it entails
b) State four advantages of using anthropology as a source of information on history and government
c) State five disadvantages of using anthropology as a source of information on history and government
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Briefly discuss the archaeology as a source of information on history and government...(Solved)
Archaeology is one of the methods used by historians as a source of information on history and government.
a) Briefly discuss the archaeology as a source of information on history and government
b) Briefly explain the methods used by archaeologists to locate archaeological sites
c) Highlight and briefly explain five advantages of archaeology as a source of information on history and government
d) Name three of the methods used by archaeologists to date fossils
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Briefly discuss the term linguistics as a source of information on history and government(Solved)
In the category of non-written sources of information on history and government is linguistics.
a) Briefly discuss the term linguistics as a source of information on history and government
b) Highlight the role that linguistics plays in history
c) Discuss any four advantages of using linguistics as a source of information on history and government
d) Briefly discuss any four disadvantages of using linguistics as a source of information and history and government
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- (a) Briefly describe the term oral tradition b) Highlight the limitations or the weaknesses of oral tradition----(Solved)
Oral tradition is one of the non-written sources of information on history and government. Oral tradition is information sourced from village elders and court workers among others through various means.
a) Briefly describe the term oral tradition
b) Highlight the limitations or the weaknesses of oral tradition as a non-written source of information on history and information
c) Discuss some of the advantages of using oral tradition as a non-written source of information on history and organization
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- State and discuss any four non-written sources of information on history and government(Solved)
The sources of information on history and government can be classified in various categories. One of those categories is the non-written sources of information on history and government. State and discuss any four non-written sources of information on history and government
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- State and explain any five of the freedoms that Kenyan citizens enjoy as contained in the chapter 5 of the constitution. (Solved)
State and explain any five of the freedoms that Kenyan citizens enjoy as contained in the chapter 5 of the constitution.
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- As a Kenyan citizen, an individual is entitled to certain rights and freedoms. These are contained in chapter 5 of the Kenyan constitution referred to...(Solved)
As a Kenyan citizen, an individual is entitled to certain rights and freedoms. These are contained in chapter 5 of the Kenyan constitution referred to as the bill of rights. However there also limitations to these rights and freedoms. Highlight these limitations to the rights and freedoms
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the limitations associated with freedom of movement(Solved)
Every Kenyan citizen enjoys the freedom of movement. A Kenyan citizen can thus travel and move freely within the country. This freedom however has some limitations. Highlight the limitations associated with this freedom.
Date posted: May 5, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the restrictions associated with this freedom of expression in Kenya(Solved)
Every Kenyan has a freedom of expression. A Kenyan citizen can thus express themselves verbally, thorough writing or the media. Highlight the restrictions associated with this freedom
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give examples where the right to liberty is waived in Kenya(Solved)
Every Kenyan enjoys the right to liberty. That is a right to personal freedom and should not be confined or detained without a justified cause or trial. However a citizen may be arrested or confined in given situations. Give examples where the right to liberty is waived
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Give examples of circumstances where the right to life of a Kenyan citizen may be waived(Solved)
Every Kenyan has the right to life. The right should not be ended intentionally by themselves and others. This right however may be waived in some situations. Give examples of circumstances where the right to life of a Kenyan citizen may be waived
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the various ways in which a Kenyan citizen can lose their citizenship(Solved)
There are various in which an individual can become a Kenyan citizen. The citizen can also be deprived or stripped of their citizenship in certain extreme cases. Highlight the various ways in which a Kenyan citizen can lose their citizenship
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Define the term citizenship and give the various ways in which one can become a Kenyan citizen (Solved)
Define the term citizenship and give the various ways in which one can become a Kenyan citizen
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of electronic materials as a source of information on history and government.(Solved)
One of the major categories of the sources of information on history and government is electronic material. Highlight the advantages and disadvantages of electronic materials as a source of information on history and government.
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)
- State the importance of studying government to students of history and governments(Solved)
Government means the way of ruling, administering and controlling of people. It implies having power to direct and conduct policies and public affairs of the people. State the importance of studying government to students of history and governments
Date posted: May 2, 2019. Answers (1)