Describe Tapeworms(Cestodes) in terms of: -Etiology -Species affected -Transmission -Pathogenesis -Clinical signs.....


Describe Tapeworms(Cestodes) in terms of:
-Species affected
-Clinical signs
-Treatment and control.



Monieza, cystcercus bovis, hydatid (ruminants +human cysts are intermediate stage of echnococcus granulosus and final host is dog), cystercus tenuicollis (ballon fluid filled cysts where ruminant is intermediate host and final host is dog) , coenuriasis

Species affected
Cattle, sheep, goats and camels

Animals may be infected by ingesting tapeworm eggs leading to larvae developing in their muscles, humans get infected by eating raw meat containing larvae. They have an indirect life cycle. The animal having the adult tapeworm is known as the final host, while that having the juvenile/young stages is the intermediate host

Some attach on intestinal wall causing enteritis and subsequent diarrhea

Clinical signs
Extended stomach, dullness, poor growth and diarrhea

Tapeworm segments in feces,

Treatment and control
Treat by broad spectrum dewormers
Control is based on breaking the life-cycle or on drug treatment of the adult infection in the final host
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 09:13

Next: Describe Round worms(nematodes) in terms of: -Etiology -Species affected -Transmission -Pathogenesis....
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