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Describe Actinobacillosis(Wooden Tongue) in terms of: Etiology, Species attacked, Transmission and pathogenesis Clinical signs


Describe Actinobacillosis(Wooden Tongue) in terms of:
Species attacked
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control



Actinobacillus lignieresii

Species affected
Cattle, sheep

Transmission and pathogenesis
Infected discharges are the source of infection. Transmission occurs after ingestion of contaminated pasture or feed. Injury to the mouth mucosa, especially when animals are fed on dry sharp feeds, permits easy entry of the infection. This leads to the development of a granulomatous abscessation (pus)

Clinical signs
-In cattle, the tongue is swollen, hard, and painful on manipulation. Nodules and ulcers may be present.
-Suppuration (pus) occurs and pus is discharged from the affected areas

Clinical signs, laboratory tests

Treatment and control
Iodine, antibiotics and surgery
Control - Quick treatment of affected animals, Prevention of contamination of pasture and feed troughs by discharging animals, Isolation or disposal of animals with discharging lesions
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 11:28

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