Describe Actinomycosis(Lumpy Jaw) in terms of: Etiology Species attacked Transmission and pathogenesis, Clinical Signs


Describe Actinomycosis(Lumpy Jaw) in terms of:
Species attacked
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control



Actinomyces bovis

Species affected
pigs, horses, dogs and human

Transmission and pathogenesis
Actinomyces bovis is a common inhabitant of the bovine mouth and infection is thought to occur through wounds to the mouth mucosa (wall) caused by sharp pieces of feed or foreign material. Lesions in the bones and the viscera are characteristically granulomatous
There is interference with mastication and prehension. Ruminal movements may be interfered with

Clinical signs
-Actinomycosis of the jaw commences as a painless, bony swelling which appears on the mandible and maxilla -Some lesions enlarge rapidly within a few weeks, others slowly over a period of months
-The swellings are very hard, are immovable and in the later stages, painful to the touch
-Teeth embedded in the affected bone become mal-aligned and painful and cause difficult mastication with consequent loss of condition
-Periodic diarrhea. Chronic bloat. Orchitis in bulls may occur. There could be obstruction of the trachea. Abscesses in the brain or lungs may occur

Clinical signs and laboratory tests

Treatment and control
Iodine and antibiotics and surgery
Control - Quick treatment of affected animals, Prevention of contamination of pasture and feed troughs by discharging animals, Isolation or disposal of animals with discharging lesions
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 11:32

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