Describe CBPP (Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia) in terms of: Etiology Species affected Transmission and pathogenesis...


Describe CBPP (Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia) in terms of:
Species affected
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control.



Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia (CBPP) is a highly infectious acute, subacute, or chronic disease, primarily of cattle, affecting the lungs and occasionally the joints, and caused by Mycoplasma mycoides mycoides

Species affected

Transmission and pathogenesis
Contagious bovine pleuropneumonia is spread by inhalation of droplets from an infected, coughing animal. Consequently, relatively close contact is required for transmission to occur. Outbreaks usually begin as the result of movement of an infected animal into a herd. It is widely believed that recovered animals carrying infectious organisms within a pulmonary sequestrum, may become active shedders (releasing organism) when stressed.

Clinical signs
Usually the first abnormality noticed is a depressed animal with fever. Coughing may be the next sign, followed by evidence of thoracic pain and an increased respiratory rate. As pneumonia progresses and animals become increasingly dyspneic (un able to breathe properly), animals are inclined to stand with elbows abducted in an attempt to decrease thoracic pain and increase chest capacity. Auscultation of the lungs reveals any of a wide variety of sounds, depending on how severely the subjacent pulmonary parenchyma is affected. Crepitations, rales, and pleuritic friction rubs are all possible

Postmortem and laboratory tests. Difficult to diagnose through clinical signs

Treatment and control
-Successful control of the spread of CBPP rests on removing susceptible animals from any possible contact with CBPP-infected animals, whether they are clinically affected or subclinical carriers only. On-farm quarantine of suspicious and contact animals would be very advantageous in stemming the spread of the disease. In an outbreak situation, testing, slaughter, and quarantine would be the methods of choice.
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 11:43

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