Describe Salmonellosis in terms of: Etiology, Species attacked, Transmission and pathogenesis, Clinical Signs, Diagnosis....


Describe Salmonellosis in terms of:
Species attacked
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control.



Salmonella species

Species affected
Cattle, sheep, goats, pig, horse

Transmission and pathogenesis
The usual route of infection is oral and, after infection, the organism multiplies in the intestine and causes enteritis

Clinical signs
Septicaemia=infection of the blood, also known as bacteremia or blood poisoning.
Acute enteritis-fever and waterly diarrhea
Subacute enteritis-mild fever, soft feces, lack of appetite and dehydration, abortions
Chronic enteritis-persistent diarrhea, severe emaciation, intermittent fever and poor response to treatment6

Clinical signs and laboratory tests

Treatment and control
Broad spectrum antibiotics, fluid therapy and other supportive treatments
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 11:49

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