Describe Aspergillosis in terms of: Etiology Species attacked Transmission and pathogenesis Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment and control.


Describe Aspergillosis in terms of:
Species attacked
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control.



Aspergillosis species

Species affected
All domestic animals and birds

Transmission and pathogenesis
Inhalation of condida (spores) from contaminated feed, fecal material, and soil.

Clinical signs
In birds; primarily bronchopulmonary, with dyspnea, gasping, and polypnea accompanied by anorexia, and emaciation
Ruminants; may be asymptomatic, appear in a bronchopulmonary form, cause mastitis, or cause placentitis and abortion.
Mycotic pneumonia may be rapidly fatal. Signs include fever; rapid, shallow; nasal discharge; and a moist cough

Radiography, clinical signs, laboratory tests, post mortem

Treatment and control
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 12:05

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