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Describe PPR (Peste Des Petits Ruminants) in terms of: Etiology Species affected Transmission and pathogenesis Clinical signs Diagnosis Treatment and control


Describe PPR (Peste Des Petits Ruminants) in terms of:
Species affected
Transmission and pathogenesis
Clinical signs
Treatment and control




Species affected
Sheep and goats

Transmission and pathogenesis
Through contact. Ocular, nasal, and oral secretions and feces are the sources of virus. Contact infection occurs mainly through inhalation of aerosols produced by sneezing and coughing. Fomites such as bedding may also contribute to the onset of an outbreak

Clinical signs
Fever, diarrhea, nasal discharge and respiratory distress, congested conjunctiva

Clinical signs and laboratory tests

Treatment and control
No treatment
Prevent by vaccination
Control by quarantine, slaughter, and proper disposal of carcasses and contact fomites, decontamination, and restrictions on importation of sheep and goats from affected areas.
Kavungya answered the question on May 6, 2019 at 12:45

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