Ralph Tyler was an American scholar and educationist. In 1949, Tyler published his book; Basic Principles of curriculum and instructions Tyler identified four basic questions that should be answered by curriculum developers.
What educational purposes should the school seek to attain.
- By purposes Tyler was referring to objectives.
- He indicated that curriculum planners should identify general objectives by gathering data from three sources:
-Subject matter
-The learner
- After identifying these general objectives curriculum planners were to refine them by filtering them through two screens – the philosophy of the school and the psychology of learning.
- What results is instructional objectives
i) What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes?
- Learning experiences had to take into account both the previous experiences and the perception that the learner brings to a situation.
ii) How can these educational experiences be effectively organized?
- Tyler talked about the organization and sequencing of these experiences.
- He suggested that the ordering of the experiences had to be systematic so as to produce a maximum cumulative effect.
- A curriculum developer should look at the activities that should be given to learners in term I, II, and III and organize them for the realization of the set objectives
iii) How can we determine whether these purposes are being attained?
- The last question emphasizes the role of curriculum evaluation as an important element, in the curriculum development process.
- A curriculum developer has to consider the means, method and strategies that will be used to determine whether the desired purposes/objectives are being achieved or have been achieved
marto answered the question on May 7, 2019 at 06:54
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