Discuss the problems of curriculum design.


Discuss the problems of curriculum design.



Raises questions related to
the breadth and depth of
contents e.g.
-what content should be included in the curriculum?

-What content should be considered as either core or electives?
-How much content can be learnt in one subject area in one year, in a topic/ theme in a single lesson…..
-How much detail and how much emphasis should be given to particular curriculum content?
-Scope has to be
addressed in the light of various social, economic,psychological,philosophical,historical and professional factors.


-Deals with the order in which the content and experiences in the curriculum are organized.
-Curriculum planners order the content based on such principles as-
-simple to complex,
-whole to part,
-chronological learning,
-prerequisite learning etc.


-Related to sequence.
-Refers to many occasions on which individuals will experience content at various levels within an education system.
-Refers to the occasions on which certain experiences will be scheduled during consecutive periods of time.
-Curriculum specialists often extend themes vertically throughout an entire curriculum to ensure that there is a recurring and continuing opportunity for a skill to be practiced and developed

-This concept also called “spiral curriculum”

4.Integration and Articulation
-Refers to the horizontal relationships between various curricula areas in an attempt to interrelate content or learning experiences in order to enable the students to perceive knowledge in unity.
-Content from one field can be linked meaningfully to content in another field

-e.g. what is learned in English linked to what is learned in Geography.
-in instructional situations, a teacher may integrate a real life scenario with the content being covered


-The Content and learning experiences should be selected and designed to accommodate several approaches, strategies and paths of learning.
-Curriculum should promote a self-motivated learning system which will be responsive to the learners’ needs and the contextual requirements.
-This implies offering increased subject/ specialization choice to learners, flexibility of teaching methods and teaching methods and teaching-learning materials;
- flexibility of demonstrating acquisition of learning outcomes through employing a variety of assessment methods/strategies.

6. Balance
-A balanced curriculum implies structure and order in its scope and leads to the achievement of educational objectives.
-Should develop all major areas of human competence e.g. communication, problem solving, understanding concepts and the environment, healthcare etc

-To cultivate this competence effectively education should ensure the physical, mental, and effective development of the child.
-Should address all the national goals of education

marto answered the question on May 7, 2019 at 07:12

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