-Subject design
-Discipline designs
-Broad fields designs
-Correlations designs
i) Subject design
It is the oldest school design and the best known to both teachers and lay people, because this is what has been employed over years in educating them.
It is popular because it corresponds to textbook treatment and how teachers are trained as subject specialists.
This design is based on a belief that what makes humans unique and distinctive is there intellect; the searching for and the attainment of knowledge are the natural fulfillment to that intellect.
In the subject matter design, the curriculum is organized according to how knowledge has been developed in the various subject areas e.g. History, Geography, English, and Mathematics.
ii) Broad fields designs
The broad fields design, another variation of the subject centered design, appeared as an effort to correct the fragmentation and compartmentalization caused by the subject design.
This design permits the melding of the two or more related subjects into a single broad or fused field of study. It is what we term today as integrated studies e.g. Integration of English literature.
One reason for its continued popularity is that it dissolves subject boundaries in ways that makes the information more useful and meaningful to the pupils. It allows the teacher to have more flexibility in choosing content.
By integrating separate subjects, it enables learners to see relationships among the various subjects of the curriculum.
iii) Correlation design
It is a design employed by those who do not wish to go as far as creating a broad fields design, but who do realize that there are times when separate subjects require some linkage in order to reduce fragmentation of curricular content.
Correlation is an attempt to eliminate the isolation and compartmentalization of subjects without radically overhauling the subject curriculum. For example a Science teacher may collaborate with the social studies teacher by having students write papers dealing with the history of some particular scientific theory.
2. Learner centered designs
All curricularists are concerned with creating curricula that are valuable to students, or where students are the center or focus of the program.
Weimer (2002) described five learner centered practice areas that need to change to achieve learner – centered teaching;
- The function of the content
- The role of the instructor
- The responsibility for learning
- The process and purpose or assessment
- The balance of power
The function of the content in learner-centered teaching include building a strong knowledge foundation and to develop learning skills and learner self awareness.
The role of the instructor should focus on student learning. The roles are facilitative rather than didactic.*
The responsibility of learning shifts from the instructor to the students. The instructor creates learning environments that motivate students to accept responsibility for learning.
The processes and purposes of assessment shift from only assigning grades to include constructive feedback and to assist with improvement. Learner-centered uses assessment as part of the learning process.
3. Problem centered designs
Problem centered design focuses on the problems of living – on the perceived realities of institutional and group life - both for the individual and for society in general.
Problem centered curriculum designs are organized to reinforce cultural traditions and also to address those community and societal needs that are currently unmet.
Though these designs place the individual in a social setting, they are unlike learner centered designs in a major way. Problem centered designs are planned before the arrival of students.
marto answered the question on May 7, 2019 at 07:15
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Discuss the problems of curriculum design.
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