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What is the relevance of studying social studies?


What is the relevance of studying social studies?



1) The nature of our world
-The global village,
-The pluralistic village
-The fragmented village

2) The nature of Human beings

-We are embodied human beings. We are physical beings. This shows that we have needs, desires and emotions, passions that make us part of human physical needs
-We are social beings, we are created with a capacity to relate with others, that means we cannot exist as islands we are therefore meant to relate with one another. As one of our renown philosophers put it “I am because we and because we are therefore I am'

-We are spiritual beings. We are able to relate with God and transcendent beings. Most religions recognize the special place that human beings hold in God’s creation. Christianity affirms that humans are created in the image of God. This includes both male and female. This means they are equal and human beings are special because of this stamp. Human rights are based on this affirmation. Islam says that 'humans are the vice-regent of God” that means they have a position of authority. Yet there is also recognition that human beings are 'fallen' beings and that is why there are many broken relationships. They are not achieving the telos. Religions then provide the means for human beings to transcend their fallenness in order to attain their purpose and goal (telos) of being in full relationship with God, with one another and with the environment.

marto answered the question on May 7, 2019 at 08:13

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