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Discuss rights,obligation and morality.


Discuss rights,obligation and morality.



Rights are a set of moral and legal guidelines that promote and protect recognition of our values, identity and ability to ensure adequate living standards, also a right is a sovereignty to act without permission of others. Rights are the basic standards by which we can identify and measure inequality and fairness. Human rights are based on the principle of respect for the individual. The fundamental assumption is that each person is a moral and rational being who deserves to be treated with dignity.

Rights have got four major components: subject, term, term and title. Subject is the one possessing the right, the term is the one bound to respect the right, and matter is that which one has the right while the title is the reason why this person has the right. for example, a labourer has a right to his wages from the employer on the account of the work done.The subject is the labourer,term is the employer,matter is his wages and the title is the work done.The subject and the term must always be persons thus animals have no rights.

There various are kinds of rights, rights are natural or positive.natural rights are based on natural laws while positive rights have their foundation on positive laws. Positive rights are divine and human. According to the division of human law, we have religious and civil rights i.e the of religious organization is to teach religion is a divine right.The rights established by religious organizations are religious rights and the rights originating from the state such as the right of citizens to vote are civil rights.

Rights re distinguished as rights of property (possession) and rights of jurisdiction. The right to own property is the power one have over the property possessed according to one’s wish, benefit to sell,keep,change or to give away e.g. I can give my neighbour the grains I harvested from my farm. The right of jurisdiction is the lawful power of dully constituted superiors to make laws and govern their subjects. This right is also known as 'the field of operation', this means one has rights within certain boundaries for example judges have the rights to judge cases within a certain determined territory.

Rights are alienable or inalienable: rights are alienable when their subjects may lawfully renounce or cede them e.g. somebody can renounce their right to vote or to posses property while rights are inalienable when their subjects are not free to renounce them but must always retain them e.g. right to life: no one has the right to end his or someone else’s life, but to retain, protect and preserve it. Rights are juridical (perfect) on non juridical (imperfect).Rights are perfect when they are legal

rights and strictly enjoined by natural or positive wages paid to workers for work done or parents’ right of respect from their children but rights are imperfect when they are based on a virtue other than strict justice e.g. the right of a poor man to alms and the right of neighbours to kindness and friendly dealings.
There are various theories which explain the origin and foundation of rights.First,according to Christian political philosophers, they thought the ultimate source of rights is God Himself and the proximate source of right is the dignity of human personality.Secondly,rights are ultimately derived from the consent of people and that they come ultimately from God..
Human rights have got properties which include: coercion-this the power a right enjoys of forcefully preventing its violation and of exacting redress for unjust violation for example, peaceful demonstrations to demand some right which has been denied or people may disobey an unjust law. Thus a right has an inherent power to defend itself against aggression.

Limitation-this is the natural terminus of a right beyond which cannot be exercised without violating another person’s right e.g. I may like to have a right to play music but I cannot play it loudly otherwise I will be denying my roommate his right to sleep or read

marto answered the question on May 7, 2019 at 09:20

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