State and describe Sleep and Levels of Consciousness.


State and describe Sleep and Levels of Consciousness.



Sleep is periodic, natural, reversible temporary loss of consciousness. It occurs in different levels in form of cycles
Level one: Relax stage
Before falling asleep we move from our normal active state into a relax state. The state is marked by Alpha waves of electromagnetic graph fixed on a subject
Level 2: Light Sleep
The person at this level is half asleep half awake. They experience fantastic images, which are like hallucinations (e.g. sensations of falling or floating, weightlessly. It is marked by slow breathing rate and slow brain waves on EEG).It is the borderline between sleep and waking
Level 3:Rapid Eye Movement Stage
The person is clearly asleep. He/she can easily be awaked. Sleep talking can occur often at this stage. It is characterized by sleep spindles (periodic rapid rhythmic brain wave activity).
Level 4: Transitional stage
This is the stage where as one moves from Rapid Eye Movement (REM) to deep sleep. Slow large delta waves start to appear.
Level 5: Deep sleep stage/Slow wave sleep
The person is such asleep that it is hard to wake them up. Walking in sleep occurs in this stage, bed wetting in children, and brain responds only to particular stimuli, and slow delta waves continues on EEG
Kavungya answered the question on May 8, 2019 at 07:55

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