Describe Information processing and Memory.


Describe Information processing and Memory.



Memory research has been driven by the so called cognitive revolution in psychology which view the human mind as a information processor. This is reflected in the most influential model of developed by Richard Shiffin and Richard Atkinson (1969), which assumes that memory, involves the processing of information in three successive stages:

Sensory Memory
This is the stage of memory that briefly, for at most a few seconds stores exact replicas of sensations. Sensory memory is adaptive because it lets us hold information long enough to attend to it for further processing

Short Term Memory
This is the stage of memory that can store a few items of unrehearsed information for up to 20seconds. When you attend to information in sensory memory, it is transferred to short- memory. Information is briefly maintained unless mentally rehearsed e.g. repeating a phone number to yourself long enough to dial it.

Long Term Memory
This is the stage of memory that can store a virtually unlimited amount of information relatively permanent. Information transferred from short term memory into long-term memory is durable.
It may be stored for a lifetime. You can appreciate this by trying to recall early childhood memories.
Your ability to recall memories indicates that information can move from long-term memory into short-memory.
Kavungya answered the question on May 8, 2019 at 09:12

Next: Outline the The Three Memory Domains.
Previous: Describe Flashbulb Memory.

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