Describe the Short Term Memory.


Describe the Short Term Memory.



This is defined as activated memory that holds a few items briefly such as the digits of a phone number while dialing before the information is stored or forgotten

This is when attention is paid to information in our sensory or to information retrieved from long-term memory. Because we use short term memory to manipulate information provided by either sensory or long term memory, short term memory is also called working memory.

The short term memory store, also has limited capacity – it typically stores but seven or so chunks of information (give or take two), a recall capacity that has been enshrined in psychology as the “the Magical Number seven, plus or minus two” (Miller, 1956). A chunk is a unit of meaningful information, such as a number, letter, a date, or a word. The ability to chunk individual items or information can increase the amount of information stored in short term memory
Kavungya answered the question on May 8, 2019 at 09:35

Next: Describe the Declarative memory.
Previous: Describe the Long Term Memory.

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