Describe the Long Term Memory.


Describe the Long Term Memory.



This is the stage of memory that can store a virtually unlimited amount of information relatively permanent. Information transferred from short term memory into long-term memory is durable. It may be stored for a lifetime. You can appreciate this by trying to recall early childhood memories.

By careful estimate the average adult has about a billion bits of information in memory and a storage capacity that is probably a thousand to a million times greater (Landauer, 1986). So our brains are not like attics, which once filled can store more items only if we discard old ones.

Long-term memory must be stored in a systematic way. Unlike short term memory in which a few unorganized items of information can be stored and retrieved efficiently, long term memory requires that information be stored in an organized way, rather than arbitrary manner. The better we are at organizing our memory, the better our recall will be (Bjorklund &Buchanan, 1989)
Kavungya answered the question on May 8, 2019 at 09:37

Next: Describe the Short Term Memory.
Previous: Describe the brain decoding process.

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