Explain the strategies that can be used to improve the brain.


Explain the strategies that can be used to improve the brain.



Study repeatedly to boost long term recall: over learn. To learn a name, say it to yourself after being introduced; wait a few seconds and say it again; wait longer and say it again

Spend more time rehearsing or actively thinking about the material: speed-reading (skimming) complex material – with minimal rehearsal – yields little retention. Rehearsal and critical reflection help more. It pays to study actively!

Make the material personally meaningful: to build a network of retrieval cues, take though text and class notes in your words. Mindless repeating information is relatively ineffective. It is better to form images, understand and organize information, relate the material to what you already know, and have experienced, and put in your own words.

To remember a list of unfamiliar items, use mnemonic devises: associate items with peg-words. Make up a story that in cooperate vivid images of items. Chunk information into acronyms

Refresh your memory by activating retrieval cues: mentally re-create the situation and the mood in which the original learning occurred. Return to the same location. Jog your memory by allowing one thought to cue the next

Recall events while they are flesh, before you encounter possible misinformation: if you are an eyewitness to an important even, record your memory before allowing other to suggest what may have occurred.

Minimize interference: study before sleeping. Do not study in close proximity topics that are likely to interfere with each other.

Test your knowledge, both to rehearse it and to help determine what you do not yet known: if you must recall information later, do not be lulled into overconfidence by your ability to recognize it. Test your recall. Outline sections on a black page. Define concepts listed at each chapter’s end before turning back to their definitions.
Kavungya answered the question on May 8, 2019 at 09:55

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