In his research work Jung identified two basic attitudes among people. These are:
a) Introversion: these are people whose dominant tendency is to channel psychic energy inward. Introverts tend to focus their attention on their inner worlds; they are introspective (thoughtful, reflective) and withdrawn socially.
b) Extraversion: is characterized by an outgoing, active style and an interest in people and the external world.
Later, Jang recognized that there were more than two types. He identified what he called four basic functions: sensations, intuition, thinking, and feeling. Sensation and intuition are the irrational functions, in which they are concerned with how we perceive information. Thinking and feeling are the rational functions concerned with reason and judgment. “Sensation tells you that something exists; thinking tells you what it is; feeling tells you whether it is agreeable or not; and intuition tells you whether it comes and where it is going.”
Interpretation of Dominant Functions
i. If people have a dominant sensing mode they tend to focus on immediate experience. They develop excellent powers of observation and a keen memory for detail
ii. If people have a dominant intuition they are more likely to perceive experience in terms of possibilities and relationship with other concepts. They rely on insights and hunches; are often imaginative and abstract
iii. If people have a dominant thinking function they analyze perceived information in a logical, objective manner. These people critically dissect all augments and logic thrown their way
iv. If people have a dominant function of feeling they interpret information in terms of value and subjective impressions. They are more concerned with the human element than the technical one when making decisions.
The two attitudes and four functions create eight different personalities as shown below:

Kavungya answered the question on
May 8, 2019 at 11:31