What are the values of good citizenship?
a) A good citizen has a duty to be patriotic to the country. He/she should be ready to place the
interests of the country above one’s own selfish interests. One should volunteer for a national
cause, for example engaging in freedom from hunger walk, helping victims of disasters,
volunteering to help the country in times of war and using talents such a sports and music
achieve personal goals and to promote the country.
b) A good citizen must take part in activities that foster national unity including economic
activities such as agriculture and trade which boost the economy.
c) A good citizen participates in democratic process either by volunteering themselves to be
elected, or by taking part in electing of leaders at national or county levels.
d) A good citizen maintains and protects human dignity. He/she has an obligation to dissuade
people from engaging in acts that deprive others of their human dignity such as mob justice.
e) A good citizen observes equity by respecting the interests of every citizen, regardless of race,
ethnicity or age.
f) A good citizen respects social justice. A person who protests against the grabbing of public
land and destruction of the environment such as Wangari Maathai demonstrates good citizenship.
g) A good citizen respects inclusiveness in society. He/she does not ignore any member of
society in making of decisions on matters affecting all citizens
h) A good citizen respects equality of all citizens
i) A good citizen respects human rights. he/she not only respects his /her right but also the rights
of others in society
j) A good citizen is expected to ensure that there is no discrimination against any member or
section of the population to ensure the protection of the marginalized in the society.
k) Good citizenship entails support for good governance. He/she has a duty to pay taxes to the
government so that it can generate the revenue required to finance activities for the benefit of all.
l) A good citizen has an obligation to maintain a high level of integrity in society. H/she should
desist from corrupt practices and even report such acts to relevant authorities.
m) A good citizen has a duty to maintain transparency and accountability. Public servants should
be accountable for their actions and maintain high level of transparency.
n) A good citizen supports government by taking part in projects that ensure sustainable
development in the country- through participation in environment friendly projects.
raphael answered the question on January 26, 2017 at 04:47
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