What are the principles of government expenditure?


List the principles of government expenditure.



(i) Productivity-used on developed project to increase production.

(ii) Equity-expenditure should be distributed equally in all regions to reduce wealth inequalities.

(iii)Sanction-before public expenditure can be incurred, it must be sanctioned or approved by the relevant authority.

(iv) Maximum social benefit-it must be incurred in a way that majority of the people are able to reap maximum benefit out of it.

(v) Flexibility-the policy of the expenditure should be flexible enough to meet the prevailing economic situations.

(vi) Economy-it ensures that proper planning is done before expenditure to avoid wasteful expenditure and delay of the projects.

(vii) Proper financial management-funds should be well managed by maintaining proper accountability records which should be audited as required.

maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 17, 2017 at 05:59

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