What are the guidelines for developing a communication board for children who are physically handicapped?


List the guidelines for developing a communication board for children who are physically handicapped.



(i) The board must be designed to match the child's cognitive and receipted skills.

(ii) The child must be able to attend visual and verbal symbols and have some means of sorting and retrieving them.

(iii) The child must consistently be able to indicate responses so than any listener can interpret them.

(iv) The child's movement, visual and postural abilities must be evaluated to functional for him/ her.

(v) The content of the board must reflect the child's need in varying environments.

(vi) The board must be continually monitored and evaluated so that it can be modified with child's expanding and changing needs.

(vii) There must be some motivation for the child want to communicate.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 19, 2017 at 08:48

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