In what ways can an ECDE teacher manage an epileptic child?


Discuss ways in which an ECDE teacher can manage an epileptic child.



(i) Remain calm-pupils will assume the same emotional reaction as their teacher.
The seizure itself is painless to the child.

(ii) Do not try restrain the child.
Nothing can be done to stop the seizure once it has begun.

(iii) Clear the area at around the child so that no injury from hard objects occurs.
Try not to interfere with movements in any way.

(iv) Do not force anything between the teeth.
If the mouth is already open, a soft object like a handkerchief may be placed between the side teeth.

(v) It is not generally necessary to call a doctor unless the attack is immediately followed by another seizure or if the seizure last more than 10 minutes.

(vi) Child's parent(s) and physicians should be informed of seizure for further action.

(vii) Turn the incident into a learning experience for the entire class so that they can know what to do next time it occurs.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 19, 2017 at 09:16

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