(i) Defme the term “optical storage media”. (ii) Explain four types of optical storage media.


(i) Defme the term “optical storage media”.
(ii) Explain four types of optical storage media.



(i) Definition of the term "optical storage media".
Optical storage is any storage method in which data is written and read with a laser for archival
or backup purposes. Typically, data is written to optical media, such as CDs and DVDs. For several years, proponents have spoken of optical storage as a near-future replacement for both
hard drives in personal computers and tape backup in mass storage.
Optical media is more durable than tape and less vulnerable to environmental conditions. On the
other hand, It tends to be slower than typical hard drive speeds, and to offer lower storage

(11) Types of optical storage media.
CD-ROM is a read-only format that is optimized for read performance, CD-ROMs are ideal for
wide- scale distribution of programs and data. The CD-ROM data format is identical to the one
that is used with personal computers. This makes it possible to develop CD-ROMs for use in
both personal computers and the system. You can read CD-ROMs in either a CD-ROM or DVD
DVD-ROM is a read-only format that provides a higher capacity than CD-ROM. Like CD-ROM,
DVD-ROMs are excellent for wide-scale distribution of programs and data. You can only read
in a DVD drive.
DVD-RAM' is writable optical media that is available in both double-sided (Type I) and singlesided
(Type II) formats, ranging from 2.6 GB per cartridge to 9.4 GB per cartridge, Both types
can be accessed in a RAM drive, and Type II media can be read in a DVD-ROM drive when the
media is removed from the catridge.
Write-Once Read-Many (WORM) optical cartridges
WORM storage is an economical way to archive data, yet still have it quickly and easily
accessible. WORM media is available in lx (650 MB), 2x (1.3 GB), 4x (2.6 GB), 8x (5.2 GB),
and 14x (9.1 GB or 8.6 GB) capacities. It is also available in 30 GB Ultra Density Optical
Erasable optical cartridges
An erasable cartridge offers the most flexibility with similar capabilities as magnetic storage.
Erasable media is available in lx (650 MB), 2x (1.3 GB), 4x (2.6 GB), 8x (5.2 GB), and 14x (9.1
GB or 8.6 GB) capacities. It is also available in 30 GB Ultra Density Optical (UDO).
Kavungya answered the question on May 13, 2019 at 12:45

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