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Briefly explain five features of a spreadsheet package.


Briefly explain five features of a spreadsheet package.



Columns and Rows
- A spreadsheet is a grid consisting of columns and rows. Rows are labeled with numbers,
and columns are labeled with letters, giving each cell a unique address consisting of a
number and a letter. If you are familiar with the old game "Battleship", you'll be quite
comfortable with cell addressing.
- A cell may contain labels or values. A label is a text entry, such as TOTAL, that cannot
be manipulated by the spreadsheet. A value can be a number, a date, a formula, or the
answer of a formula.
- A single "grid", or page, is usually referred to as a worksheet.

- Formulas are used to express mathematical relationships between cells. For example,
C1=A1+B1 would calculate and display the sum of cells. Al and B1 into cell Cl. It could
also be a simple mathematical formula, such as (100 * 3) / 40. Formulas are not displayed
on spreadsheets. What you see in the cell is the result of the formula.
- Don’t forget about order of operations; anything inside parenthesis happens first,
followed by multiplication and division, followed by addition and subtraction. When in
doubt, use parenthesis to say exactly what you mean.

Functions are used as shortcuts when performing .mathematical calculations. They are preprogrammed
formulae that give power and flexibility to spreadsheet calculations. They prevent
the user from having to continually enter long and cumbersome expressions. Some examples are
SUM, AVERAGE, MAX, and MIN. Ranges A range is a block of cells. Formulas can act on
single cells or be directed to act on a range of cells. For example, the range A1:D1 includes the
cell Al, Bl, Cl and D1. Any calculation performed in Al will also be performed in Bl, Cl and Dl,
Graphs and charts
- Data in spreadsheets can be displayed in a graphic form. Spreadsheets allow the£
numerical' data in the cells to be displayed as a graph or chart. These graphics, which
illustrate the meaning of the numbers in the spreadsheet in different ways, can be used to
stimulate interest and help make a point.
- There are several different types of graphs that can be made. Area graphs, bar and
column graphs, line graphs, pie charts, scatter plot diagrams and 3-D graphs are some
Kavungya answered the question on May 14, 2019 at 06:50

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