Describe the process of law making in Kenya


Explain the process of law making in Kenya.



1. Draft stage - The Attorney General has the duty to draft the details of the proposed legislation

2. First reading - Bill is presented to the parliament and no debate is undertaken.

3. Second reading - Bill is debated upon, amendments can be made on it, can be rejected or its discussion postponed.

4. Committee stage - Bill is studied by a committee and rewritten to include any suggestion made during Second reading.

5. Report stage - Reporting of the amended bill the whole house.

6. Third reading - Further debate is allowed and new amendments to the bills could be made.

7. Presidential assent - The President signs the bill to become an act of parliament.

8. It is then published in the Kenyan gazette for public knowledge and awareness.
johnmulu answered the question on January 26, 2017 at 08:50

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