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Describe the basics of C++


Describe the basics of C++



The C++ is a programming language of many different dialects, just as each spoken has many different dialects. In C++, dialects are not because the speakers live in the North or South; it is because there are several different compilers. There are four major compilers: Borland C++, Microsoft Visual C++, Watcom C/386, and DJGPP. These compilers can be downloaded from the internet.

Each of these compilers is slightly different. Each one will support the ANSI/ISO standard C++ functions, but each compiler will also have nonstandard functions. Sometimes the use of nonstandard functions will cause problems when one attempts to compile source code (the actual C++ written by a programmer) in a different compiler.
Kavungya answered the question on May 15, 2019 at 14:59

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