Greece was the most influential in terms of art literature, philosophy, science and politics in the western world. Unlike the other civilizations, it did not depend much on agriculture because Greece is a rough and mountainous and unsuitable for agriculture.was not one country but made up of small and isolated states which had no connection with each other. But the states had a common language and religion.
These states were united into two main ones;
1. Sparta
2. Athens
These offered contrasting Hellenistic cultures (Hellenistic – Hellas – traditional name
for Greece).
Education in Greece
The following are general points on education;
· Before 509BC the ruling classes were dominant. The main aim of education then was to perpetuate the rule of the dominant class. Education was limited to the youths of proper birth meaning youth of the ruling class.
· Later however Athens became more liberal and allowed other people to attend their schools later aliens (citizens who were not in ruling class) to go to schools
· Initially education involved tribal traditions, customs and moral instructions given from father to son. Unlike other civilizations, religion was not emphasized in terms of directing education
· Greek education sought to produce perfect citizens it aimed at individual excellence and worth, or public usefulness. Therefore their education involved gymnastics – body strength and beauty; music for enrichment of the soul;
science for instructing the mind. Every aspect of human being.
· Greek education could be divided into 2 eras; old era which was discipline and theological oriented, represented by Spartan education. New era represented by Athenian education which stressed on mathematics, geometry, astronomy and philosophy?
The new education era (461-429 BC) was peace not war oriented. It was scientific not theological. It also brought individual freedom, free reflection and democracy of the state. Although the state was supervising education, the responsibility was with the fathers. If a father failed to educate the son, the state allowed the son not to look after father in old age.
marto answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:37
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