Whereas Sparta boasted of having the greatest military mighty in the world, Athens boast of having been the Centre of Hellenic intellectualism in other words, Athens is seen as a leading intellectual and artistic culture and comparable to any other in
history at that time.
Initially Athens started as an agricultural state later went into urbanization where there was trade and commerce. It started as a monarchy with a king Solon (639-559) under this king, Athens was converted into a democracy. This meant that eligible
citizens could elect their leaders. In terms of education;
1. Like Sparta, the Athenians considered the state supreme but unlike Sparta, the individual was valued and fulfillment of the individual was seen as good for the state. There was a lot of freedom for the individual.
2. In Athens, the education was literary based. They emphasized reading and writing. Asthenians are known to be imaginative, artistic creative
3. Athenian education was general, broad, liberal and elitist.
4. Training of the body was connected to training of the mind.
5. Educated Athenians looked down upon manual work
6. Athenian education sought to foster science and humanities. Although they were weak in science applications, they used a lot of mathematics in their daily work.
7. Athenians babies were examined and the father decided whether it will be exposed or not.
8. Boys and girls lived together at home up to the age of 7. Mothers and slaves looked after them.
9. Girls were educated at home in arts and music had little education outside home. Girls and women were aliens – never became citizens put together with serfs, craftsmen etc.
10. At 7 years boys attended two types of schools
a. Gymnastics school – for physical training
b. Music school for literacy, music, poetry, drama, history oratory and science
11. All education before 15 years was given in private schools.
12. At 15 years boys entered state schools for advanced training in 3 ways;
a. Judicial
b. Legislative
c. Military services. Up to this stage fathers were responsible for their children’s behavior.
13. At 18 years boys reached maturity and could become citizens.
14. Discipline at home and school was strict and corporal punishment was common.
15. Athenian education was very progressive and produced individualistic and democratically conscious people. This led to the formation of a liberal culture and an intelligent society which was a major revolution from the rigid systems
of ancient times.
marto answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:46
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