In 480 BC Athenians defeated the Persians and they took on a new way of looking at life so that Athens became a more cosmopolitan city. They were then able to interact with others – travelers, traders’ foreigners and this brought diversification of the community. There was a cultural revolution which disorganized the old system of education and the way of life which led to the following;
a. Old traditions and basic ideals of the early Athenians were abandoned
b. Trading and commerce led to individual prospects as opposed to the old
communal prosperity. Wealth and power became measures for greatness as opposed to birth or service to state. Simple lifestyle was changed into a luxurious type.
· Citizenship was now open to all inhabitants
· The goal of education was preparation for personal advancement,
individual excellence as opposed to the old objective of social service and public usefulness
· The new curriculum therefore was oriented towards the individual and included such thing as geometry, drawing, grammar and rhetoric
· There was no great demand for education because it could make you advance in society. This gave rise to people called sophists – travelling teachers who said they could teach anything and could argue on any side of any agreement. According to them, truth was relative.
According to the sophists, man was the highest measure of everything and individual rights were emphasized – were paramount because of this emphasis on individual, there was a gap between individuals and society. This moral gap that the famous philosophers were trying to fill e.g. Socrates, Pluto, Aristotle. There were advocating for balance between individual and society.
marto answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:49
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