As a language, Visual Basic has evolved enormously since its commercial introduction in 1991 by Microsoft. VB is an advanced structured dialect of Basic that is intended for application development.
The "Visual" in the name Visual Basic does not really refer to the language, but to the development environment. The VB integrated development environment that Microsoft distributes has extensive facilities for on-screen design of graphical user interfaces: dialog boxes, window interfaces, menus, etc. It also provides a rich but complicated interface for code management and debugging. Graphical User Interface (GUI) programs are easy to write in Visual Basic, and the development environment provides copious support for coding the necessary event handling subroutines.
The syntax of Visual Basic is similar to that of other modern Basic dialects, but with many additional features. The following primitive data types are supported: integers, reals, strings, booleans, currency, dates, and object references. Variables may be declared, but need not be. Composite data types include arrays and user-defined records. Control structures include various conditional and iteration constructs, and rudimentary error handling mechanisms. Memory management in Basic is automatic. Visual Basic is nominally an interpreted language, but newer implementations include native code compilers. During execution, Visual Basic programs are normally supported by a run-time library.
The popularity of Visual Basic is derived partly from its extensibility. New components, especially GUI elements, can be added to the language run-time system and transparently used by application developers.
Kavungya answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:49
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