He was a sculptor and he started helping people deal with their ethical and social problems. He was opposed to sophists because they were saying anything is relative e.g. morality. He tried to find a spiritual explanation for the universe and human
conduct. He believed that virtue can be taught through teaching right thought and actions. He sought the right part towards truth by questioning popular beliefs through inquiry e.g. for him he did not believe that Zeus caused thunderstorm – it was the
weather. As a teacher he did the following;
· He made many contribution which include; learning objectively through conversation, learning subjectively through reflecting and classifying one’s experience
· He contributed towards seeing the moral and value of learning/knowledge
· Understanding education in terms of power of thinking rather than transmission of knowledge As a result of his encouraging people to have moral freedom and always take decision after proper inquiry and understanding Socrates was condemned to death by the state with explanation that he was misleading the youth – forced to drink poison
marto answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:52
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