Describe the Ada language (1983).


Describe the Ada language (1983).



The Ada language was originally designed with the intentions to support large scale programming and to promote software reliability. The language has many Object – oriented programming features that include: nested procedures, nested packages, strong typing, multi-tasking, generics, exception handling and abstract data types
Ada is fairly a complex language that has a conventional but very rich Pascal – like syntax, with many specialized features. The best aspects of Ada are:
i) It supports for generics or templates
ii) It supports for task synchronization
iii) It has a very good exception handling
The worst features of Ada language are:
i) It has complex syntax
ii) Poor performance of the code generated by most early compilers
The primitive data types supported by the Ada include: a variety of numeric types, Booleans, characters, references and enumerated symbols. With its emphasis on program safety and type enforcement it is strictly applied both within and between modules. Ada is very strictly standardized and well documented as a language. Ada compilers undergo stringent validation with an official test suite
Kavungya answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 06:56

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