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Why is the Bible termed as a Library?


Give reasons why the Bible is termed as a Library.



(i) The Bible contains a total of 66 books except The Roman Catholic church's Bible which contains 72 books.

(ii) The books are arranged according to subjects.

(iii) The books are written by different authors.

(iv) The books are written in different styles such as prophetic speeches, prayers, letters, poetic, songs, wise sayings and philosophical essays.

(v) The books are arranged in an orderly sequence to develop the theme of God's plan of salvation for humankind.

(vi) Different books of the Bible are addressed to different groups of people.

(vii) The books were written in different places.

(viii) The books were written at different times in history.
maurice.mutuku answered the question on August 23, 2017 at 05:38

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