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Explain the term "grapevine" as used in communication.


Explain the term "grapevine" as used in communication.



The grapevine is the informal communications network within an organization. It is completely
separate from — and sometimes much faster than — the organization's formal channels of
communication. Formal communication usually follows a path that parallels the organizational
chain of command. By contrast, information can be transmitted through the grapevine in any
direction —up, down, diagonally, or horizontally across the organizational structure.
Subordinates may pass information to their bosses, an executive may relay something to a
maintenance worker, or employees in different departments may share titbits.
Grapevine information may be concerned with topics ranging from the latest management
decisions to the results of today's World Series game to pure gossip. The information may be
important or of little interest. By the same token, the information on the grapevine may be highly
accurate or totally distorted.
Rather than ignore or try to suppress the grapevine, managers should make an attempt to tune in
to it. Managers can make good use of the power of the informal organization and the grapevine
Kavungya answered the question on May 17, 2019 at 15:22

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