Analyse eight steps involved in a systematic approach to training in an organisation.


Analyse eight steps involved in a systematic approach to training in an organisation.



• Identify the training needs
A training need is a gap between the knowledge and skills required for the
performance of a specific job and the knowledge and skills already possessed by the
employees. It is the gap between what is and what should be.
• Defining the training required
This involves setting objectives that will be attained through training. The objectives
will help define the requirements.
• Planning the training programme
This is a-concrete scheme of action designed to ensure that the training objectives are
achieved. The programme must be developed to meet the needs and objectives by
using the right trainer, (methods) facilities etc.
Plans must be made for the following:-
- Trainer / facilitator
- Creation of training
- Techniques / methods of training
- Facilities that will be needed
- Allocation of responsibilities.
- Implementation of the programme
This is putting the programme into action
- Evaluating and amending the training as necessary
Evaluation is a monitoring process that is meant to ensure that the training objectives are
achieved. Evaluation is done during the training and after the training.
Kavungya answered the question on May 18, 2019 at 06:57

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