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Briefly discuss the social, political and economic organization of the Borana giving five points under each category


The Borana are part of the eastern Cushitic communities of Kenya. They are thought to have migrated from the horn of Africa into Kenya. Briefly discuss the social, political and economic organization of the Borana giving five points under each category



Social organization:
Within the camp, the most senior married men were recognized as the head of camp
The head organized the members to defend the camp, wells, herds and shrines
Women controlled every activity within the household
The first son inherited all the property from his son
The first son who was the sole inheritor distributed some of his inheritance to his younger brothers
Political organization:
Each clan was united through the ownership of a well. Members helped each other in times of crisis and met regularly at ceremonies and rituals
Each sub tribe had a hereditary leader whose camp was the political and spiritual center. His main duty was to solve conflicts between the clans in the sub tribe
Boys joined an age grade at birth and progressed in seniority
Old men at eighty and above were referred to as sacred elders
Between the ages of twenty four to thirty two, young men joined junior warrior hood and senior warrior hood between the ages of thirty two to forty
Economic organization:
The Borana were nomadic livestock herders
The cattle provided food and materials for clothing, housing and local industries
Young men pastured the livestock, brought up water from the wells and dug new wells and kept the old ones clean
Women made milk containers and leather clothes. In addition, they milked cows, fetched water and prepared food
Men were responsible for the construction of cattle bomas and fences. They carved wooden stools and made weapons and utensils. They also dug wells and built dams

Dana05 answered the question on May 19, 2019 at 19:33

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