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Highlight the social effects of the arrival and the work of missionaries to the people in Kenya


Missionary work in Kenya started in the 19 the century with the arrival of Ludwig Krapf in 1844. Their activities had several positive and negatives impacts on the people of Kenya. Highlight the social effects of the arrival and the work of missionaries to the people in Kenya



Christianity was spread to most of the parts of their teachings and other activities of the missionary
Due to the influence of missionaries, Africans gave up some practices such as female circumcision and burial rites
Missionaries built their schools next to their missions where western education was introduced. They taught Africans how to read and write
Missionaries built health centers where western medicine was administered to cure and control diseases
Missionaries built rehabilitation centers where they taught vocational skills, reading and Christianity
Missionaries translated the bible into Kiswahili and local languages which enhanced the spread of Christianity

Dana05 answered the question on May 19, 2019 at 19:37

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