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Briefly explain how the following factors promote national unity: National philosophies, National symbols, Government institutions, National days and events


Briefly explain how the following factors promote national unity
National philosophies
National symbols
Government institutions
National days and events



National philosophies: national philosophies in Kenya are Harambee and Nyayoism. Harambee calls for people from different ethnic groups to pool their resources together. Nyayoism is meant to promote love, peace and unity among Kenyans.
National symbols: these are the national flag, national anthem, coat of arms, loyalty pledge and national wards. The national flag is the symbol of our country. The court of arms symbolizes existence of a sovereign state. The national anthem is a reminder of a peaceful and harmonious existence. The loyalty pledge reminds us of our existence to our president and the nation. National awards are given to Kenyans for their outstanding performance in contributing to the nation’s development
Government institutions: these are government owned institutions that serve Kenyans equally. These are the judiciary, executive and legislature
National days and events: these are national days and events that are held throughout the country. These are public holidays. National events include music and drama festivals for schools and colleges

Dana05 answered the question on May 19, 2019 at 19:42

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