Give the aims of Islamic education.


Give the aims of Islamic education.



1. Education should facilitate worship of god – mandatory for all Muslims irrespective of gender, age, social class and other differences. Islam believes that man has been endowed knowledge and will. Knowledge to them is the path to salvation and it should be sought from anywhere. You should seek both secular and religious knowledge. Secular for day to day living, religious for a smooth life on earth and a good one after. These two documents Quran and Haiti show respect for knowledge. Quran invites man to sue his intellect and knowledge to think and to know. The hadithi says seek knowledge from cradle to death; seek knowledge even as far as china.

2. Islamic education is essentially for moral and character training. It aims at moral refinement and spiritual training rather than filling minds with facts.

3. Islamic education is used for development of natural and cultural resources. This is meant to improve the secular and material aspects of life to make quality of human life better. They encourage study of sciences, literature and arts. Islam emphasizes total education/wholesome-mental physical and intellectual.

4. Promote vocational and industrial skills to help the individual earn a living by participating in various professions, trades or arts. This was to enable one live a better life preserving the moral and spiritual aspect. Secular life is supposed
to supplement the religious life.
marto answered the question on May 20, 2019 at 05:41

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